Monday, October 17, 2011

Funny the way it is

            Shifting from a melancholy tone to one of solemn recollection in “Funny The Way it is,” Dave Matthews Band uses captivating hyperbole, depressing irony, and the juxtaposition of positive and negative situations in order to convey the idea that while some people flourish, others fail, showing that life isn’t fair and it truly is, “funny the way it is.” 

            Through out the entirety of the song Dave Matthews uses captivating hyperbole in order to draw the listener into analyzing each line in depth and to understand exactly how bad a situation could possibly be.  In several different instances, Dave Matthews contradicts himself to create a sense of uneasiness in the listener.  Lying in the park on a beautiful day Sunshine in the grass, and the children play Siren’s passing, fire engine red Someone’s house is burning down on a day like this” this quote exemplifies Dave Matthews contradictory style that captivates the reader using dramatic and over the top hyperbole.

            Dave Matthews also uses depressing irony to lull the listener into a knock out statement,  One kid walks 10 miles to school, another’s dropping out Funny the way it is, not right or wrong On a soldier’s last breath his baby’s being born.” This quote shows about as dramatic of a situation as he possibly could have.  This shows just how awful a predicament can be and to cherish every moment you have.  You never know when you could be taking your “last breath.”

            Lastly, Dave Matthews uses positive and negative juxtaposition to confuse the listener and to keep them on their toes waiting for the next solemn line to further drive home his point.  Do not take life for granted.  The juxtaposition of “Somebody’s heart is broken and it becomes your favorite song” gives extra emphasis on his disturbing lyrics.  This adds to the depth of Dave’s song and makes it more substantial and much more memorable.  
            With captivating hyperbole, depressing irony, and contradictory juxtaposition, Dave Matthews’s drives home the point that life is a gift and you should treasure each great moment as if it is your last, making life truly “funny the way it is.”

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