Friday, December 23, 2011


           My opinion on back masking is that in some cases it is done on purpose and is hinting to mostly to demonic messages but also in some cases can allude to a positive message.  In several songs by Eminem he shows that he is able to take on anything and is there for his family, contradictory to that is stairway to heaven that talks about 666 and kids suffering. This shows that yes, back masking is real, but I also feel that some of the examples are forced and don’t actually say what is played backwards and that it is just white noise.

            I’m sure that some artists find it amusing to turn their song and flip it to make lyrics and in some cases they even acknowledge it, as in Empty Spaces by Pink Floyd “Hello, hunters. Congratulations. You've just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the funny farm, Chalfont." (voice in background) "Roger! Carolyne is on the phone!". Others subtly put in their lyrics back masked noises, Such as “Another one Bites the Dust”, inverted, says “it’s fun to smoke marijuana”.  I find this intriguing and also very impressive that a musician is able to flip his words and construct sentences in reverse. I had a hard enough time trying to write a coherent song, never mind throwing in some reverse language.
            In conclusion, keep playing songs backwards and find some awesome back masked lyrics for a crazy and interesting project. In my own opinion, I find it entertaining and that it keeps me interested on the topic on hand. On the flip side I’m getting distracted by all the hype around the lyrics, for instance in The Beatles music, they told about Paul McCartney’s death and around these findings I took off on several different paths of distraction.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

plagarism in music

Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own
Johnny Cash vs Gordon Jenkins

This particular case hit the courts, but was settled out of court. The original song in question was recorded on a concept album called Seven Dreams, the song in question was part of the ‘Second Dream: The Conductor”. When the lyrics to the two songs are compared side by side, there is no question that they are kissing cousins. Though Johnny Cash’s version is more fine tuned and shows more experienced talent, some of the lines are word for word and some of them have a word or two difference. It took fifteen years, from the release date of Johnny Cash’s version, for Gordon Jenkins, the original song. owner to sue. The 1968 out of court settlement approached the hundred thousand mark.
The kinks picture booth -> greenday warning
During the entirety of the Greenday song, Warning, the combination of sounds and rhythm is directly prevalent in the beginning of the song, Picture Booth, by The Kinks.  Furthermore, the cadence of the lyrics in Warning also resembles although does not exactly match, the delivery by The Kinks. So far, no such lawsuit has been filed by The Kinks. this may be because they are all dead, dont care,, was used legally or consider Greenday's use of their rhythm an ode to their song and timelessness.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

milk and cereal

BEEP BEEP BEEP. The loud annoying noise of my alarm clock jolts my body from its deep half drunken slumber to an all out dash to crush the button residing atop the noisy box. BEEP BEEP BEEP. The noise happens again; this time sluggishly I smash my lumbering hand down upon the box, catching a corner sending it scurrying to the end of its cord. Nine minutes later BEEP BEEP BEEP. This time in a rage I rip the cord from the wall and slowly return to my original resting place. I can’t get back to sleep, a pounding headache bangs the sides of my head to the same rhythmic beep my alarm clock had just minutes before.  GOD DAMN I think. I roll out of bed, slip on my L.L.Bean moccasins, and meander towards the door. My vision is blurred and it is early, making every step difficult, for I haven’t cleaned my room and hoards of dirty laundry obstruct my path to the door. In a Heisman like leap I bound over the clean clothes basket, still yet to be put away, and land on last night’s freshest gear, a pair of roll down Timberland boots and a balled Jordan sweatshirt twisting my ankle and projecting me at my dresser.  Somehow I catch myself mid flight and open my door to enter the rest of the house.
           I cross the hall and slowly open the door creakily to the bathroom and slide in. The sink is dripping slowly making my headache so much worse. I shut it off and move on. I stagger my achy body infront of the toilet and aim, fire! Standing there like a firefighter infront of a blaze I paitently wait to be done. I stand there for what seems like 5 minutes, zip up and leave, all I can think about is food!
I turn left and walk down the stairs groggily, unknowing of the cans and red cups a strewn amongst the stairs and hallway I cut my pinky toe on the rim of an empty Budweiser can. Pissed off, bloody, tired, and hangover I continue to stroll down my stairs. Slowly I turn and see three of my cousins sprawled out sleeping on what use to be my couch. The backing of the couch is broken on the left side making the cousins warp at a very awkward angle. On the floor are many pillows from the couch and on top of each pillow is an unkempt ball of hair, attached to a very pale person. I look through the window and see uncle Jerry in a kiddy pool dead asleep. Awesome……
I walk up to my guests and gently kick each one of them in the side, watching them jolt from a slumber to an errect, groggy possition brings me a sort of awkward pleasure.  Each of them reacting in their own personality, one angry, one complaining, one just rolls back over. Each person waking has the same exact thoughts as me, FOOD.
            I have come to the conclusion that im not going to let any of my guests leave until every scrap of this mess is cleaned up. But first, breakfast! All I can think of is,
Milk and cereal (milk and cereal)
Milk and cereal (cereal and milk)

Milk and cereal (cereal, cereal)
Milk and cereal (cereal and milk)
Cereal and milk (x12)
Milk and Cereal.............. Milk and Cereal

I don't want my Wheaties, give ‘em to the needy
Feeelin' kinda greedy, I keep them for myself
I keep them for myself (x7)

No Grapenuts.........
For Grandma......... (Grandma eats a bran muffin)
Mom likes Special K.........
You can't pinch an inch
You can't pinch an inch (x5)
They're magically delicious............
Keep your hands off my Lucky Charms
(pink hearts, yellow moons, blue diamonds (blue diamonds), green clovers)

A is for Apple, J is for Jack
You step on a crack, and you'll break your Mama's back
Rice Krispies, Franken Berries
(Oooh, Boo Berries)

Milk and cereal (milk and cereal)
Milk and cereal (cereal and milk)

Milk and cereal (milk and cereal)
Milk and cereal (cereal and milk)

Milk and cereal (milk and cereal)
Milk and cereal (cereal and milk)

Milk and cereal (milk and cereal)
Milk and cereal (cereal and milk)

Milk and stereo (stereo, stereo)
Milk and Cereal (cereal and milk) (x5)

Milk and Cheerio-eo-eo-eo……… (Cheerio-eo-eo-eo-eo-eo............(x4))

In the morning at the table (milk and cereal milk and cereal)
Snap, crackle, pop
Snap, crackle, pop (x6)

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs (x7)
Trix are for kids
Trix are for kids (x10)

In the morning.......
At your table......
Milk and Cereal........ (x2)
Cereal And Milk......
Milk and Cereal.......
Cereal And Milk......

In the morning.......
At your table......
Milk and Cereal........ (x2)
Cereal And Milk......
Milk and Cereal.......
Cereal And Milk......

No Grapenuts..............
For Grandma (Grandma eat a bran muffin)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

song 2

Shifting from a girl who has everything, to a girl that depends on human contact to stay “shining” on the inside, Ben Harper, in Diamonds on the Inside, utilizes penetrating metaphors, materialistic hyperboles, and connecting objectification between himself, the girl, and society to events present, meanwhile illuminating that to be happy, you do not necessarily have to be with someone else, happiness comes from the inside.
          Ben Harper uses penetrating metaphors to compare the similarities between, how the girl in this song is making a “bed of nails and she’s plannin’ on puttin’ it to use”, and how she isn’t able to just be by herself, she needs to be with someone to make herself happy, but in the same sense she creates her own struggles by not giving her significant other all she has to offer.  This also shows how the only way to be a part of this society is you need to become a “nail” and shut yourself off from being hurt from personal relationships with other people.  She also shows that she is a very loving person but is always craving to be loved the same way she loves, “she couldn’t spend a day alone, but she couldn’t be satisfied.”
          Through the use of materialistic hyperboles, Ben Harper is able to show that this girl is not just materialistic but also craves the affection of others over all else, “When you have everything, you have everything to lose.”  Harper also utilizes hyperboles to show that she is beautiful; “diamonds on the inside” objectifying that she is magnificent as a person and if you are willing to dig, you will find something rewarding.  Reasserting Harper’s case of showing how good of a person this girl is, he begins his song with “I know a girl, her name is truth. She was a horrible liar” proving beyond a doubt that she is someone worth trying for.
          In the song, Ben Harper uses connecting objectification to intertwine unrelated and unsaid ideas to there counterparts in the coded lyrics. “A candle throws its light into the darkness,” meaning that even the smallest good deed can illuminate the area around it, bring happiness, or light to those affected.  Contradictory to a positive light is “like the soldier long standing under fire, any change comes as a relief” showing that if she is able to persevere through the bad times, change will come and she will appreciate it when it does.
Ben Harper, in Diamonds on the Inside, utilizes penetrating metaphors, materialistic hyperboles, and connecting objectification between himself, the girl, and society to events present, illuminating that happiness comes from the inside.  Just like the girl in the song, “let the giver’s name remain unspoken, she is a generous thief,” Ben Harper gives the listener a lesson in humility, happiness, and selflessness.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the general

Shifting from a relentless war hero to a sudden epiphany depicting the enemy as much like himself, Dispatch in “The General” employs distinctive imagery, loyal tone, and the juxtaposition of the General’s unwavering valor and gladiatorial prowess to a sense of compassion and understanding that exemplifies his sudden realization that the enemy is no different from them and “that this fight is not worth fighting.”

            Throughout the entirety of the song, Dispatch utilizes loyal tone by expressing the respect the troops have for their General, to their reaction after hearing the decision not to fight was rendered.  In several instances, Dispatch brings to the surface loyal tone in the way the men carry themselves.  “All the men held tall with their chests in the air, with courage in their blood and a fire in their stare” showing just how ready this troop was to give their all to the man they hold so highly in their mind. 

            Dispatch also applies distinctive imagery throughout the song to further entice the listener to feel the emotions and actions that the men felt. “Not a man moved, their eyes gazed straight ahead till one by one they stepped back and not a word was said… he then prepared to fight.” Through these images Dispatch is able to convey, to the listener just how much respect the troops had for their tremendous and dedicated General.

            Lastly Dispatch uses the juxtaposition of a “decorated General with a heart of gold” to a man who, “tossed in his sleep and wrestled with its meaning” to verbalize the change in him from “a seasoned veteran” to a sympathetic man of compassion. This juxtaposition sets up the listener for the unexpected change from a violent and animalistic war to respectful surrendering to the enemy in order to save men’s lives and mother’s hearts.

            With distinctive imagery, loyal tone, and contradictory juxtaposition, Dispatch drives home the point that we are all the same, from a decorated general with battle wounds and medals to show his prowess to the common soldier awaiting his orders.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Funny the way it is

            Shifting from a melancholy tone to one of solemn recollection in “Funny The Way it is,” Dave Matthews Band uses captivating hyperbole, depressing irony, and the juxtaposition of positive and negative situations in order to convey the idea that while some people flourish, others fail, showing that life isn’t fair and it truly is, “funny the way it is.” 

            Through out the entirety of the song Dave Matthews uses captivating hyperbole in order to draw the listener into analyzing each line in depth and to understand exactly how bad a situation could possibly be.  In several different instances, Dave Matthews contradicts himself to create a sense of uneasiness in the listener.  Lying in the park on a beautiful day Sunshine in the grass, and the children play Siren’s passing, fire engine red Someone’s house is burning down on a day like this” this quote exemplifies Dave Matthews contradictory style that captivates the reader using dramatic and over the top hyperbole.

            Dave Matthews also uses depressing irony to lull the listener into a knock out statement,  One kid walks 10 miles to school, another’s dropping out Funny the way it is, not right or wrong On a soldier’s last breath his baby’s being born.” This quote shows about as dramatic of a situation as he possibly could have.  This shows just how awful a predicament can be and to cherish every moment you have.  You never know when you could be taking your “last breath.”

            Lastly, Dave Matthews uses positive and negative juxtaposition to confuse the listener and to keep them on their toes waiting for the next solemn line to further drive home his point.  Do not take life for granted.  The juxtaposition of “Somebody’s heart is broken and it becomes your favorite song” gives extra emphasis on his disturbing lyrics.  This adds to the depth of Dave’s song and makes it more substantial and much more memorable.  
            With captivating hyperbole, depressing irony, and contradictory juxtaposition, Dave Matthews’s drives home the point that life is a gift and you should treasure each great moment as if it is your last, making life truly “funny the way it is.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

new top 100 crappy songs.

Of the top 100 songs currently, I knew no more than 15 of them, and could tolerate far less. The vast majority of the top 100 songs use sexual references, catchy rhythms, and keeps up with new musical fads such as techno beats and electric tones. In the songs "Sexy and I Know it" by LMFAO, "You and I" by Lady Gaga, and Cheers (drink to that) by Rihanna, all three songs use sexual references to persuade listeners from this sex driven generation to tune in, listen, and buy their songs. The use of catchy rhythms ingrain the musical beat into your head and hooks you onto its beat. One listen and your infected. Lastly new songs in general as well as these songs use techno tones that ruin your day by constantly beating inside your head for hours. Almost like another listen will cure you of your newly acquired “sickness.”

jack johnson

Lyrics to Staple It Together:Its really
Too bad
He became a prisoner of his own past
He stabbed a moment in the back
With a brown thumb tack
That held up the list of things he gotta do
Its really,
No good
He's moving on before he understood
He shot the future in the foot with every step it took
From the faces that he knew cause he forgot to look
Better staple it together and call it bad weather
Staple it together and call it bad weather X3
Mm hmm

Well I guess you could say
That he dont even know where to begin
Cause he looked both ways but he was so afraid
Diggin deeper through the ditch
With every chance he missed
And the mess he made
Cause hate is such a strong word
And every brick he laid
A mistake they say
That his walls are getting taller
His world is getting smaller

Better staple it together and call it bad weather
Staple it together and call it bad weather X3
Mm hmm


Its really
Too bad
He became a prisoner of his own past
He stabbed a moment in the back
With a brown thumb tack
That held up the list of things he gotta do
Its really,
No good
Hes moving on before he understood
He shot the future in the foot with every step it took
From the faces that he knew cause he forgot to look

Better staple it together and call it bad weather
Staple it together and call it bad weather X3

If the weather is better
We should get together
Spend a little time and we can do whatever
And if we get together we'll be twice as clever
So, staple it together and call it bad weather, mm hmmm